Oferta pracy: Isiolo, Kenia

Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Świętej Rodziny SPZOZ

Infolinia 22 45 12 600

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Oferta pracy: Isiolo, Kenia

Job Opportunity: Senior Obstetrician

Date Available: January 2, 2013
Specialty: Obstetrics/Gynecology
Country: Kenya


MaterCare International (MCI) and the Apostolic Vicariate of Isiolo (AVI, are seeking a Senior Obstetrician for Project Isiolo, Kenya, to provide essential obstetrics for a minimum of a 3 month locum with a start date of January 2, 2013 in a volunteer capacity.

The project will provide comprehensive rural essential obstetrics in the District of Isiolo, which includes normal care during pregnancy and delivery and treatment of most obstetric and medical complications. It is centered around the base hospital in Isiolo which has; 16 obstetrical beds; 4 intensive care beds; 2 operating rooms; 4 delivery rooms; a small laboratory; pharmacy; kitchen and laundry and 4 Manyattas (traditional maternity waiting homes, each with 2 beds) close to the hospital.. The hospital located in the town of Isiolo, will provide treatment for most obstetrical complications and is fully equipped. The first of 6 rural parish maternity clinics has opened in the village of Merti approximately 225kms from Isiolo town, with 4 beds for normal cases located some 225 kms from Isiolo, opened in June 2011, staffed by midwives. A fully equipped, 4 x 4 emergency transport vehicle is provided for long distance transfer of sick mothers and two motorbike ambulances for travel in and around villages.

The focus of this project is to serve the population of 150,000 (consisting mostly of pasturalists) of whom over 50% are living below the poverty line. Maternal and infant mortality rates and the prevalence of obstetric fistulae in this region are among the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Post-partum haemorrhage and hypertension are the most common causes of death, other direct causes are obstructed labour, sepsis, and ectopic pregnancy. Indirect causes are severe, anaemia, malaria, embolism and AIDS.

The ideal candidate will have to following skills:


All interested candidates please contact:

Dr. Robert L. Walley
Executive Director
MaterCare International
8 Riverview Avenue
St John’s, NL A1C 2S5
Office: (709)579-6472
Toll Free:(888) 579 - 6472
Fax: (709)579-6501
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Skontaktuj się z nami


tel. 22 45 12 600
Infolinia czynna każdego dnia w godzinach: poniedziałek, środa, piątek: 8:00 - 15:00 wtorek, czwartek: 8:00 - 18:00

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